Third Edition Now Available!
“A delightfully funny story set in 1993 with a serious dark side narrated by Debra Kelly, a self-described expert at “pretending everything is fine.”
During one of the darkest periods of her life, Debra is heartbroken when her husband leaves her for the younger Ms. Booby. Feeling there was no way out of the pain, she planned the elaborate details of her suicide- telling no one yet documenting every moment. First and foremost, she would move with her children to the beach and live there for a year before ending it.
They arrive in the small Mexican fishing village of Cabo San Lucas. Not knowing a word of Spanish and with a tight one-year budget, her story starts out with the zany day-to-day trials of living as an expat. Along the way Debra meets a cracker box full of expats at Land’s End who, like her, qualify as the '“wanted or unwanted.” Each day is worse than the day before. However, she discovers an unknown and foreign gritty strength to fight scorpions, hurricanes, burning cars, school dungeons, and the terrifying newly single’s sex scene.
Unbeknownst to her a journey of healing begins and she learns forgiveness, finding her voice, setting boundaries, and discovering she can truly live the lifestyle of her dreams. She creates happiness, a life worth living, and finds a mustard seed of faith seeing miracles happen. Then comes along Mr. New Yorker, boasting a colourful past, fresh out of jail and stalks her! The hilarity and struggles of life shine through these pages. Get up! Don’t quit. Find your path to an amazing life. You never know what’s around the corner or where life will take you if you just wait a year!
This book was selected as a finalist in the 2020 International Book awards. To view full list of finalists click here.
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